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Commonly mistaken as Yellow or Golden Topaz and sometimes referred to as Topaz Quartz, Citrine is the yellow to ornagish-brown variety of Quartz. Most Citrine is heat-treated Amethyst or Smoky Quartz and is available in a viariety of shapes and sizes, including both small and large stones. Citrine is designated as an alternative for the November Birtshtone and is given for the 13th wedding anniversary. Citrine is mostly mined in Brazil but other soruces include the United States, Spain and Russia. Madeira Citrine is a darker variety of the stone and is a very bearutful, deep ornagish-red color.

Citrine - Round

  • AA: Ranges from a bright medium yellow to a medium golden yellow color
    A: Light to medium yellow color, well cut and clean
    B: Light yellow in color


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